
Base Components

1. List of SVGs

Nexus AI uses special svg components. These components are located in the components/svg folder. This is usually used for logos and other special icons not found in the iconify library.

Here is the list of all the svg components that are available in Nexus AI:

  1. SvgAngular
  2. SvgBehance
  3. SvgCoda
  4. SvgCodePen
  5. SvgCodeSandbox
  6. SvgDevTo
  7. SvgDiscord
  8. SvgDot
  9. SvgDribble
  10. SvgFacebook
  11. SvgFacebookActive
  12. SvgFeatureImage2Line1
  13. SvgFeatureImage2Line2
  14. SvgFeatureImage2Line3
  15. SvgFigma
  16. SvgFramer
  17. SvgGithub
  18. SvgGitlab
  19. SvgLinkedin
  20. SvgLinkedinActive
  21. SvgLogoPrimary
  22. SvgLogoPrimaryLarge
  23. SvgLogoWhite
  24. SvgLogoWhiteLarge
  25. SvgMedium
  26. SvgMessenger
  27. SvgMicrosoftOutlook
  28. SvgMicrosoftTeams
  29. SvgNotion
  30. SvgPatreon
  31. SvgPinterest
  32. SvgReddit
  33. SvgSketch
  34. SvgSlack
  35. SvgStackOverflow
  36. SvgTelegram
  37. SvgTwitter
  38. SvgTwitterActive
  39. SvgWebhooks
  40. SvgYoutube

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