Getting Started


1. Building for Production

Nexus AI is built with Nuxt, so you can use any of the Nuxt deployment methods. We recommend using the generate command to build the application for production. It will generate the static HTML files and serve them.

This way you can easily deploy the application to any static site hosting service like Vercel, Netlify, etc.

Build the application for production:

# npm
npm run generate

# pnpm
pnpm run generate

# yarn
yarn generate

# bun
bun run generate

Files will be generated in the .output/public/ directory. You can then upload the files to your hosting service.

Locally preview production build:

# npm
npm run preview

# pnpm
pnpm run preview

# yarn
yarn preview

# bun
bun run preview

You can find more information about the deployment in the Nuxt Deployment documentation.

2. Supported Hosting Platforms

Static sites can be deployed to any static site hosting service like Vercel, Netlify, etc.

Here is the list of hosting platforms that supports static sites:

3. Optimizing for SEO and Performance

Key success with static sites is to have a fast and optimized build process and more importantly SEO friendly.

You can edit the SEO tags of pages in the content/ directory. Each page has a seo property that you can use to set the SEO tags.

  title: Nexus AI - Pricing
  description: Upgrade for extra features and collaboration with your team.
  image: /og-image.png

Nexus AI template uses public/og-image.png as the default OG image for every pages SEO. You can change it to your own image.

You can also set the default SEO tags in the app.config.ts file.

export default defineAppConfig({
  site: {
    title: "Nexus AI - Your Gateway to Innovative Content Solutions",
      "Nexus AI redefines content creation by seamlessly integrating cutting-edge AI technology.",
    image: "/og-image.png",

Performance is also a key factor for SEO. Nexus AI's build process is optimized for performance and speed. This can be easily checked by PageSpeed Insights score.

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